Friday, April 8, 2011

A Voice Against "Corruption"

 Anna Hazare has been blown conch for the holocaust of the corruption. When the arteries of Anna Hazare are  squirming to bleed for our "BHARAT MATA" then are we older than Hazare ? If we have to finish this corruption and  also the corrupted society in which we are living. ( But it doesn't allow us even to take a good breathe in the environment. ) Then we have to work in unite. 

            Imagine, Is a single wall present here which can't be fall, if more than a crore young hands will push that  wall. I mean to say that there is no difficulty which we can't face OR  we are not able to find a solution of that difficulty. 

                 Remember these are those young hands who have been jolted the anchor of the British Empire separated all over the world . If you want the sovereign instead of the exploitation, if you need a strong and  efficient  judiciary  instead of this corrupted society then stop this air and all the way of bleed towards the lunges of the corruption and such a abnormal system. Because you all knows very well that  it is not easy to fight against our own relatives. 

I don't know why am i writing  this ironical language. But one thing i know is that  we have to finish this corruption from our INDIA. And a single step taken by you towards this efforts initiated by Hazare, will help us a lot....
By giving a full stop to write further i will just say that...." Don't forgot that the comment box can also help us "....because you know you can write all your thoughts regarding the fact into the comment box.......hehehe....:) :) :)
