Saturday, February 19, 2011

Impotency of Prime Minister

 A scene or a situation with  the words forlorn, obligate, powerless, helpless,compel is so much poignant and affecting, when these words are used for a layman. and these words for a layman for their deplorable condition  are common in use.But when head of a country , the country where more than 125 crore people are living their life, use these words for himself , automatically the attentiveness of the people goes towards that pathetic condition.                                                                                                                       
I am talking about the Manmohan Singh,  who like  whacking powerless, desperate, dismayed, helpless and like an obligate layman sat on the pouffe to fulfill the objectives of the third party during its whole incumbency and when the situation came to the starting point of the unbridled and anarchic he declared himself as a impotent person......

[  AISA REHTE .......KYA HOGA IS DESH KA.....:( :(   ]